
Makeup Vs Skin Care : Lets’ Understand the Difference

  Have you ever been confused between Make-up and Skin-Care?? let us spill the tea, coz Girls ! You gotta know this !!  Both play an important role in beauty but work very differently.  Skin  care  is about taking care of the health of your skin, cleansing, good nutrition and protection of the skin from environmental damage.  Investing time and effort into good skin care will pay off in the long run . Here's what you can expect: ·       Clearer, healthier skin:  fewer acne, less irritation and healthier skin. Improves texture and appearance: Skin is smoother, brighter and has a healthy-looking glow. ·       Increase your self-confidence:  Feel good in your skin even without make-up! Skin  care products are formulated with a variety of ingredients for specific purposes. Some items are : Scrubbing removes dirt, oil and makeup to prevent the skin from losing moisture. While Moisturizer softens the skin. Sunscreen   protects your skin from harmful UV rays and prevents premature aging.

Legend Leader Like Krishna (No, Seriously)

Imagine in Modern corporate world, you're the boss of a team, facing huge project. You need to get everyone on board, motivated, and working together to win. This same situation played out thousands of years ago in Mahabharata.   Don't worry, it's not all about gods and stuff (though there's some of that 😉). This tale is packed with leadership lessons that are still totally relevant today. Think of it like the ultimate project management guide from way back. On one team, you've got the Pandavas, basically the winners with Krishna as their rockstar leader. The legend rallied his crew with genius plans and never doubted them for a sec. On the other side, you have the Kauravas, who totally flopped with a lousy leader. This leader made bad calls and let drama tear his team apart. Major fail. Just picture a leader not at the front, but guiding others to shine.  That's Krishna's style. He didn't control the Pandavas; he gave them space to use their own talent